We know for sure that you are waiting for this event as well as every fan of the Minecraft game! Every player who has at least something to do with the world of Minecraft is looking forward to two events a year, namely, the release of some kind of global update or an equally important event is MINECRAFT LIVE!
That is why we are pleased to inform you of good news about the upcoming MINECRAFT LIVE 2021 event, which will take place this year on October 16!
The legendary Minecraft Live is back to us again and this cannot but rejoice, as it only means that we will soon receive a huge amount of interesting information about the plans and projects of the developers of the Mojang studio, new content, and new ideas for mod developers of different genres.
Very soon, on October 16, in just a little less than a month, all players will be able to see and become a part of the most important event in the life of every Minecraft fan, the main holiday of any crafter is MINECRAFT LIVE. As you know, in Minecraft Live we always learn about new updates that will await us over the next year, as well as new ideas for creating new addons, mods, and other content that players can present in beta versions or prepare content that will be interesting and necessary to every player.
Last year, the cave update was announced, which this time will remain a big mystery, for now, so we look forward to this most important event.
Like last time, the event will be held online, so each player will be able to watch the live broadcast right at home and thus become an integral part of the announcement.
After the MINECRAFT LIVE 2021 event, we will definitely present all the key announcements and information that the developers of the Mojang studio will present. Follow the news and updates on our website!