A new addon that will help you easily plant trees without spending a lot of time and effort. It is also a quick way to obtain materials such as leaves and wood. The new addon is called EasyBonsai. The new addon adds new items to the world of Minecraft that may be useful to you for survival. A good way to get a new experience. Below you will see the types of trees and leaves.
In general, 12 different items will be added to the game. You can use these materials to craft trees or leaves. We draw your attention to the fact that the drop depends on what type of sapling you choose and put in a pot.
How does it work?
In order to plant your chosen pot, click, for:
Windows 10: right-click on a pot of bonsai; Mobile device: hold the device screen with a bonsai pot.
To interact with a bonsai pot, you need to take a sapling, for:
Windows 10: right mouse button; Mobile device: hold the sapling and hold the pot for a long time.
After that, your tree will grow.
In order for the player to take all the items that can drop the bonsai tree, just put it on top of the hopper.
To break a bonsai tree, the player needs to use a wooden shovel after which the bonsai pot will drop.
Below you can see all crafting recipes:
We draw your attention to the fact that you need to activate the Experimental game mode!