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Minecraft 1.17.0 for Android (Release)

Minecraft 1.17.0 for Android (Release)
What does the date of October 3, 2020, mean for a fan of the Minecraft world? That's right, this is a very important event for every player, at which the upcoming big update Minecraft 1.17 that is called Caves and Cliffs was announced, as well as the upcoming innovations in it. Please note that players can already discover some of the features of the upcoming update by activating the Caves and Cliffs setting in the map settings. Already today, players can discover new blocks of mobs, for example, goats and powder snow in Minecraft PE 1.16.

We draw your attention to the fact that the full version of Minecraft PE 1.17 will be released in the summer of 2021, in which month it will be released is still unknown, most likely it depends on how quickly all the innovations are added and the first bugs are fixed before the full release. The first innovations can already be tested now. In the near future, players will have the opportunity to gradually test innovations in the beta versions of the game.

Attention: Once again, we want to warn you that the first beta will be presented to players from the middle of winter and will be gradually released by the Mojang developers. All the information that you will see that the Minecraft PE 1.17 update is already available for mobile devices is not true!

Caves and Cliffs update

The Minecraft 1.17 update has become one of the largest updates in recent years, even the past Nether update cannot boast of such success and diversity. In this update, the Mojang developers will add two unique biomes to the update at once, namely Mountains and Caves.

Now we will have two new biomes waiting for us, but that's not all. In addition to updating locations, new mobs and new blocks will also be added to the game. Several new creatures will be added to Minecraft 1.17 at once, some of them will be neutral, useful, and not dangerous for players, while others will be extremely dangerous and hostile, such creatures will attack players at every opportunity.

Also in the update, there will be new unique plants and berries that can be used as food, but you will learn about all this below in order.

Let's now consider all the new features of the MCPE 1.17 update that all fans of the Minecraft world are looking forward to. Below you will find out what is ALREADY available to players and what else is in the development process.

Lush cave

Let's start with different new locations. The first location you should know about is Lush Cave. Giant, lush, and in some places flooded caves have been added to the Minecraft world. The developers have reworked the generation. A new biome, which will be located deep underground, to find it look for a new tree. Once you find a new tree, just dig right underneath and you can easily find a new biome.

Lush cave

Entering the lush caves, you will see a large number of new plants, namely:

1. Glowing berries — emit light, edible for players;
2. Spore Blossom — emit dark green particles, but only in the open form;
3. Big Dripleaf — players can walk on top of these plants, use them as steps, or part of the platform, or as traps, since if the player stands on it for longer than 2 seconds (or 40 ticks) he will fall through this plant ;
4. Azalea trees — tiny new unique trees;
5. New block of moss.

Dripstone caves

The next type of cave is called Dripstone Caves. What are stalactites?

Stalactites are mineral formations that grow from top to bottom. A block that will whistle from the ceiling of the cave and, if you're not careful enough, these formations can fall on your head and cause a lot of damage. Also, water will constantly drip from them and, if necessary, you can collect it.

Stalagmites are mineral formations that grow from the bottom up. A block that will grow from the ground to the top of the cave and if you or a mob fall on them from a height, you will also receive damage.

If earlier the caves in the game were simple underground boring locations, now it is a whole world in which players can find a large number of different interesting places, but at the same time dangerous ones. If before you went underground only to get resources, now you will find a whole adventure that will drag you in for a long time!

Also, note that players can use the cauldron to collect water dripping from them.

This location is now at the development stage as well as stalactites and stalagmites!

Dripstone caves

A new cave generation

If we talk about caves, now there will be a new generation of caves in the game, if earlier they were just small passages in the form of small tunnels inside, which were often found in the process of searching for resources, now they will be separate worlds, with their own unique ecosystem and new creatures. Ore underground will be generated in clusters in ore veins. A new block of powdered snow will cause players to fall through the snow. Added various new structures.

Now players going down into the caves will be able to find not only valuable resources but also a place with high ceilings, underground waterfalls, lakes, and rivers. Now you can even sail on a boat underwater, which today is not yet typical of the Minecraft world.


Earlier we talked about new resources, so going down underground into the caves, players can find a new block in the form of a crystal. This will be a fairly rare block that can only be found in new caves. Players can use a new rare resource to create new items.

Also, amethyst geode blocks and amethyst crystals will be added to the game. The Amethyst Geode is a rare block that is generated in groups in new structures underground. Please note that it is so strong that it cannot be broken. Amethyst crystal grows on a geode block, from which crystal shards drop. After collecting such crystals, players can use them to craft Spyglass.



This is a new, unique in appearance and strength, a hostile mob that will inhabit caves. Every time you go to explore underground locations in search of something interesting and new in the caves, the Warden will be waiting for you. This is a new creature that spends all its life underground and has no eyes. The fact that he is blind does not make him harmless, but he hears very well. If earlier mobs attacked you only when they were seen, the Warden will attack you when he hears and it will be extremely difficult to run away from him. If you are careful enough and do not make loud noises, then you can avoid meeting him and walk past unnoticed.

This creature looks like a minotaur. Please note that if you face this creature and are not ready to fight with it, come up with a clever way to escape from it, since the faster you run, the faster it catches up with you. To survive, you need to sneak and look around.

This creature can deal 30 damage to its target in one hit. Has from 84 health points.


Mountain biome

With the new update, players will have the opportunity not only to visit and explore underground caves but also to enjoy the new mountain biome. With the release of the new update, the mountains will not be boring and uninteresting but will be a new living biome with new animals and blocks.

Mountain goat

As mentioned above, new mobs will live in the mountains, such mobs are mountain goats. Every time you explore this biome, animals such as mountain goats will be waiting for you on your way. But do not underestimate these animals, as this is a new aggressive animal that can only be found in the mountains and which will defend its territory, which it considers home. If you create such a hostile atmosphere, the mountain goat will gore you with horns.

Mountain goat

Powder snow

As for the blocks in the mountains, a new block will be added to the Minecraft world, namely Powder Snow. Going on a new adventure in the mountains, you should be even more careful, since due to the fact that the entire biome is covered with snow, you can accidentally fall into a trap in the form of powder snow. This block is different from a simple snow block, but much more dangerous. If you step on such a block, you will fall through and fall into a trap in which your health will gradually be taken away, which in the end can lead to the fact that you will die.

In order to move through the powder snow and not be afraid of being trapped in a death trap, players should take leather boots with them to the mountains.

Powder snow

Perhaps you wondered how to craft such a block? Or is it possible at all? Fortunately or unfortunately, no one else, this is impossible today. Mojang did not talk about any crafting recipes for this block, and most likely it will be impossible to create it just like that. The only way to create snow blocks is to use boilers, which should be placed in places where it snows and after a certain period of time, after snowfalls, the boilers will be filled with powdered snow.

Please note that the speed of filling the boilers with powder snow will depend on how intense the snowfall is. If it is snowing normally now, this process will go very slowly, but if it snows heavily, then you will get powder snow much faster. After the boilers are filled with blocks of powdered snow, it can be collected using a bucket and already used for their own purposes when building traps or shelters.

Sculk sensor

In this update, the Mojang developers have added a new block to the Minecraft world that will respond to vibrations and sounds, and can also interact with Redstone and wool. This block can be used to get the Warden's attention. For those who did not understand, this is a new level of Redstone.

New blocks can be used by players to build wireless circuits. Deep underground, such blocks are generated as Sculk Block, Chute, Growth (a thin build-up like a little layer of snow), and Sensor (reacts on steps, placement of blocks, and shots). Please note that wool can drown out the sounds, then the sensor will not be able to respond. When it's triggered, it fires with signals of Redstone.

Sculk sensor


Now a new strong competitor for iron has been added to the world of Minecraft, namely copper ore, which players can melt into blocks of copper. This is a new resource that will be used in the future when crafting various items. Please note that if the copper blocks remain in an open space for a long time, they will begin to oxidize and turn green from interaction with water and moisture.


Lightning rod

Players can now create lightning rods using the new copper resource. The lightning rod absorbs lightning so that they, in turn, do not damage your house or structure. Previously, if lightning hit your house, it could immediately catch fire, using a lightning rod this will not happen.

Lightning rod


A new item has been added to the world of Minecraft called Spyglass. Using this item, players can look at objects at a great distance, which will avoid a huge number of dangers. Spyglass can be crafted using materials such as Amethyst and Copper Crystals.



Using this item, players can add their items and blocks not only to their inventory but also to new bundles, where they will take up much less space. It will also allow players to easily sort the blocks. Now players do not need to store resources in stacks, you can always put resources in bundles, which have a fairly large capacity and allow you to store any resources in huge quantities, while they take up only 1 cell of inventory or a chest. The bundle can be tied and passed to a friend. The player can remove items at any time. Cool isn't it ?!



Due to the fact that with the upcoming release of the new update, the blocks that will be generated underground will contain unusual surprises in the form of artifacts. We draw your attention to the fact that by destroying such a block, you can lose an artifact, but using new tools for archeology, you can not destroy the block, but carefully remove small layers from it, as archaeologists do, and ultimately find out what the block hides.


Use a brush to remove ceramic shards. Every time you do an archaeological dig, you can get pottery shards that can be transformed into different pottery. Thanks to this, you can get jugs from clay shards. Also, players can place fragments on pots and burn them. The shards can depict the Ender Dragons, Skeletons, Alex, Tree, or Vindicator.


This new creature is like a fish living underwater in lush caves. These creatures will inhabit the waters of the lush caves. These are cute and harmless creatures that can become a good friend to players. You can also catch these creatures and release them into ordinary reservoirs or make aquariums in which these mobs will live. Players can tame these creatures after which they will swim behind you and protect you from other hostile mobs.



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Comments (1)
mr.noach26 April 2020 12:55Send the comment
common faster download now i am wsitng