Fresh update of the beta version of Minecraft Bedrock for Android devices! In this updated version, the developers paid attention to correcting various bugs and errors that were identified in previous releases of the game.
In addition, in this update, work was done to introduce new elements and options, and Realms were also added to test versions. The "How to play?" menu has been updated. and as many as 17 improvements have been made that will make the gameplay even more exciting.
Now, any player who has a Realms subscription can create their own server in the Beta/Preview version of Minecraft PE.
• The screen with game instructions has been completely redesigned. • A new section called "Encyclopedia" has been introduced where players can find useful information. • Details on Netherite gear and items can be located within the Game Guide section. • New characteristics for Patterned Vase: • You have the option to include and store items. • Comparators have the ability to precisely ascertain the quantity of items within. • To gain access to the contents, you need to dismantle the associated block. • When a player interacts with the Vase, a distinct level 11 vibration becomes apparent. • The shattering effect can also be attained using a projectile. • The maximum stack capacity has been extended to 64 units, significantly streamlining item storage and administration. • Armor patterns work with modded items. • You are now less likely to appear above the foliage. • The issue of players being unresponsive to phantoms has been resolved. • Mobs participating in raids can now include raid mobs. • Game worlds exceeding one gigabyte in size can be effortlessly transferred from Realms to Xbox. • Vertical sync is now enabled by default, providing a smoother gaming experience. • A new game rule has also been introduced to allow players to turn off recipe unlock notifications. • With this update, recipe unlock messages will no longer accumulate or slow down, even if you have unlocked multiple recipes at once.
• Added an experimental feature in which you can buy maximum level enchantments from the Librarian. • The exit button from the Boat works correctly. • The search bar position is now shown in the correct position. • Tooltips are shown better. • The on-screen keyboard functions as expected on console devices. • If you meet your end from a Bed in the Nether, a new message will now display. • The erroneous presence of Suspicious Sand in structures has been rectified. • In peaceful mode, the Evoker will no longer make an appearance.
Technical update
Several new features are included in this release and are aimed at improving the experience for testers and content creators.
We warn that when downloading test versions, battles and errors may appear. To avoid losing your progress, you should make backup copies of your worlds.