Developers have introduced a fresh testing iteration of Minecraft tailored for Android gadgets. This release enhances the features of the recently introduced copper blocks, implements three adjustments to align with the version, and rectifies ten identified glitches.
Trial functionalities include:
• Shaped Copper is manufactured in the Stonecutter by utilizing Carved Copper. • Water can now be poured into Copper grates. • The problem where Copper Lattices would sporadically transform into Waxed Copper Blocks after applying Wax has been successfully resolved.
Similarities with Java
• After mining lapis lazuli, 9 fragments will drop out. • Gold ore in hell will drop 6 nuggets.
• For some mobs, the correct amount of particles was restored when they were broken. • The Silk Touch enchantment proves ineffective when excavating in a hive or bee's nest. • Altering the spawn point occurs when dismantling the Bed from its underside. • The demise of a fire results in the release of 2 coal pieces. • The swift entry to the inventory remains intact during a switch in control methods. • If a player tumbles while mounted, the creature sustains damage. • Blocks are properly lit when the player exits the water. • The keyboard appears correctly on mobile devices. • There are no glitches when splitting stacks using the keyboard on your phone. • Interface buttons are displayed correctly. • Fixed problems in textures. • Texts and titles on screens are displayed without errors. • Ice coated in frost retains its solid form and doesn't transform into water when excavated with an enchantment. • Three distinct prompts emerge on the loading screen.
Technical updates
Approximately 40 novel enhancements have been incorporated into this segment, all directed towards streamlining the efforts of testers and moderators.
It is advisable to create backup copies of your worlds prior to installing beta versions, as crashes and potential loss of in-game progress may occur.