Stably every week, the developers of the cubic universe release versions with bug fixes to stabilize and optimize the game. This Thursday, Minecraft version was released, in which touch controls were updated, some changes were added to equalize the computer and mobile versions and bugs were fixed, due to which it became much more pleasant to play.
Updated touch controls
In this version, the developers paid attention to the touch controls in the game and made several changes. The main thing:
• Now in the settings you can edit the screen of the new mobile control. • You can easily leave a body of water while close to land by automatically jumping to the shore. • The resolution of the first block is delayed to reduce the number of accidental player hits while playing in creative mode. • Active The function of simply moving an item into inventory using drag and drop. • Sorting in stacks just got easier. • If you press "go down" twice, this will disable the flight. • Effects in the inventory have adopted a new location.
Version equality
For equality of Bedrock with Java Edition, 4 changes have been added in the test version of Minecraft More: • Players will no longer drop experience when they die while playing in Spectator Mode. • The player's level after death is saved in Spectator Mode. • If the player is killed with a renamed item, the original name is displayed in the chat. • The color of the grass in some biomes is the same as the PC version.
Fixed bugs
At this point, the creators of the game have fixed critical bugs and thereby improved the gameplay. A total of 27 bugs were fixed. The main ones are:
• In the structure of the Ancient City, the generation of creatures was canceled. • Once you look at the NPCs, only then will you see their names. • Blocks that fall from a height onto double slabs remain intact. • Restored the ability to run diagonally using the keyboard. • Redstone Chains signal correctly triggers. • Corrected the work of sticky pistons. • Fixed the display of nicknames for users of the Minecraft game. • Decreased the water brightness of waterlogged blocks when placed under other blocks. • Optimized screen position changes on smartphones. • The Iron Golem can once again give flowers to a Child Villager. • Corrected the position of the Guardian, eliminated the error of its hovering in the air. • Fixed bugs due to which it was not possible to correctly transport through the Nether portal with a tamed mob. • Villagers will match the Mountain Grove Biome and appear snowy. • Fixed the sound of the text during the death of the player. • Achievements work in all worlds correctly. • Improved teleportation with a boat through the Nether Portal.
Technical update
A total of 14 technical changes that improved the development of modifications and testing. Below are some of the items:
• The teleportation commands have been updated and work more correctly. • You can use the /loot command to replace blocks. • There are new commands «/execute rotated" and "/execute rotated as".
Do not forget that this is a test version. That's why it's important to make copies of your worlds!