The new year has just begun, and Mojang Studios is already delighting us with a test version of Minecraft with bug fixes and gameplay improvements in experimental and normal modes. At the end of the article, you can download the new test version to your device.
Bug in this version
This version already has a bug related to stacks, which the developers saw and will soon fix. More:
• You can't stack items if using gamepads or mice with keyboards.
Experimental features
You will find 4 new items in this section related to future content. The main thing:
• Removed the ability to use a vehicle with a camel. • You don't have to crouch to put mob heads on the music block. • When using the updated touch controls, players will see messages with instructions. • In Minecraft, starting from version 1.19.60+, a notification about unsupported blocks with changed properties will now appear.
Equality Java and Bedrock
The pocket version of the game continues to sync with the computer. And this time the following changes were added:
• Improved sounds from Doors, Hatches, Pressure Plates and Wooden Buttons. • Individual elements are shown correctly on Maps with new colors.
Improved and finalized 11 changes. The main thing:
• When placing Warped and Crimson blocks, new sounds are played. • You cannot check the count of simultaneously selected objects via /execute if|unless. • Optimized changes to player stats properties via minecraft:movement. • Now there is no Egg spawn for Wither and Ender Dragon. You need to use only commands to receive. • In the game, Particles are correctly described. • Improved block generation in the game. • If you re-create an item, there is a delay between the creation processes. • There is no pause when moving the crosshair from attacking to crafting. • Optimized the elaboration of the circles of the new touch control. • Now you can remove hints and messages with a simple swipe. • There is no touch settings window on Xbox.
Corrected mistakes
Reworked 10 bugs. More:
• Using commands to teleport between worlds and dimensions has been improved. • The command to check the score (/execute if|unless score) works correctly. • When installing Redstone, a sound is played. • The camera is better controlled with the mouse if you use touch controls in Minecraft before. • Some mobs can be collected using a pickup block. • Fixed generation of Piglins in different lighting conditions in the Nether dimension. • Sitting animation has been added if Evoker is using a vehicle or riding a horse. • Inventory open button works correctly. • Pages of books are flipped correctly.
Technical update
There are three points that are aimed at technical changes in the game.
This is a test version. We strongly advise you to make copies of game worlds so as not to lose progress!