Install the test version of Minecraft on your device. Improved the experimental mode (Changed the installation of Hanging signs) and added 11 fixes, including improved parity with Java Edition. There are technical innovations aimed at improving the performance of the game.
Experimental features
• When placing some Hanging Signs under others, the blocks are connected in different ways depending on the pressing of the Squat button. They will now show up with 2 chains.
Version equality
• Changed the sound of Levers to the sound of Stone Buttons.
Corrected mistakes
The developers touched on 11 bugs. Main:
• Fixed teleportation during sleep. • Achievement "Start" works correctly and without errors. • Moving to the End dimension does not cause the game to freeze or crash. • The Android keyboard has stopped flickering in the game. • Fixed applying textures to worlds. • Reduced the number of crashes when killing added mobs with incorrect parameters in the loot table. • Items, blocks, or creatures with a semi-permeable display, like saplings, are highlighted correctly. • Vertical sync works correctly even if the device is not on the ARM platform. • Loading textures in the game does not trigger an error. • Facilitated the separation of stacks. • The text is displayed in the desired position in special blocks (smoker, Blast Furnace, and furnace).
Do not forget that this is a test version. That's why it's important to make copies of your worlds!