The new test version of Minecraft is already available for download on your device. In this build, a couple of changes in experimental features, 5 new things in general content, several improvements for parity with Java, and 24 fixes.
Experimental Features
This time 2 you will find 2 updates related to new content. Namely:
• The users take health damage if they fall off the Camel. • In the hotbar the piglin's head will no longer cover parts of the creature's ears.
Major changes
There are 5 innovations in this edition, some of which led to errors. More:
• When crouching, the player will be 1.5 blocks tall. • The player automatically bends down if there is no 1.8 blocks above him. • The camera adjusts to squat. • If there is not enough space above the head, the player will not get up from the crouch. • Swimming automatically changes to Squat when there is not enough space. • Problems with the mechanics of crouching, the authors will fix in future versions: • 3rd person camera in blocks turns dark. • Jumping doesn't always work when crouching in low lanes. • There are problems with interacting with objects in small spaces.
Equality with Java
The Mojang team has been working on version parity. Updates:
• A bell connected to other blocks is not destroyed when the block breaks. • When a player starts horses there is a chance to get a new kind of mob. • Players can properly skip the night even with the dead. • The animation of eating or drinking is displayed in the center at any screen size. • As the player moves away from the Note Block, the sound gradually decreases.
The team have touched a lot of bugs in this version. Main:
• Players' HP is correctly reduced when interacting with certain blocks. • Fixed an error loading maps version on version 1.8. • When floating or hovering above the ground, all animations and items work correctly. • Can get the second Written Book in inventory. • The Furnace ready item slot is working correctly, now nothing is ejected from double-clicking. • The observer works correctly and does not throw an error. • If you put an incomplete block on the Funnel and throw an object at it, the mechanism will still drag the object away. • Leaves from Mangrove trees properly decay without a trunk. • The trident has the correct functionality in creativity. • Shoulder parrot animations are not broken when the player is riding. • Large creatures and objects are correctly drawn from a distance. • Now in the window and the rules of the game contain updated information. • When changing the way, the game is controlled, the items held by the character in the hands fall into the inventory or are thrown away. • Adventure Maps display matching icons. • Fixed item placement command.
Technical update
Added 11 new updates to optimize gameplay. Interesting:
• Changed the location of files with Tropical fish. • Through the appropriate files, you can adjust the behavior of the Witch. • Fixed a crash when using summon eggs. • You can remove presets related to behavior.
Do not forget that this is a test version. We advise you to make copies of game worlds so as not to lose progress!