A new test version of Minecraft has been released for Android. The new update has brought a lot of useful changes, especially in the area of trading with the Wandering Trader and the Librarian. The developers did their best, introducing 8 significant updates and fixing as many as 44 bugs, which greatly improved the gaming experience.
Trade with mobs
Functions updated. Activate experimental mode. Here's what's been added:
• Sells enchantment books. • Each village has its own bookseller, and enchantments also depend on the biome. • To get books, you need to constantly improve the librarian. • To get all the enchantment books you need to visit all 7 biomes. • You will need to build 2 villages in biomes to get 2 more enchanted books.
Wandering villager:
• Reduced item prices. • Unique items for sale. • Now you can not only buy but also sell various junk to the mob.
Four innovations this time are waiting for us in the update. More:
1. Diamonds often appear at depth. 2. Added sending 1 message to content creators in the Market. 3. Settings can be changed to prevent players from using unlocked recipes. 4. There are more vibrations from different objects and actions with them for the Sculk Sensor.
Similarity with Java
Minecraft PE (Bedrock) has new features from the PC version of the game.
• When Residents sleep, professions are not added to them. • Snow and ice now spawn in a new way. • Rogue Raid's health bar does not disappear. • Updated signal levels for the Shulker Box.
Here are some of the bugs that have been fixed in this version:
• Fixed crashes. • Changed sounds when shooting and in pause mode. • The shields play the correct sound. • Fixed equipment sounds. • 3rd person cameras are no longer blocked by different blocks. • Mining Stonecutter and Pistons is done without errors. • Repeaters no longer affect water flow. • New name for the Cement block. • In cherry groves there will be a smooth transition of fog, which contributes to better visibility. • Changed the sleep screen by adding new text. • On touchscreen phones, you can now again quickly interact with crafting. • Setting the sleep parameter to zero does not cause the animation to crash. • Stabilized Night Skip if non-sleeping players exit the game. • At the moment of sleep, players cannot pass through the portal. • You can now enable Vertical Sync via a new slider. • The location of the parrots on the player is correct. • Normalized connection to the server. • Ghasts does not crash the game on servers. • Stabilized the gameplay when building stacks. • Mobs can raise marauder banners. • At the moment of flying and destroying blocks, crouching works correctly. • There are no more errors on the interface. • Added visibility through the glass when using the camera from the 3rd person. • The connection to the server is correct. • Teams work better.
Technical update
This section has 46 improvements for addon development and testing.
Attention! We ask you to make backup copies of your worlds before installing test versions, so as not to lose progress.