MCPECUBE.COM » Mods Minecraft PE » Social Media Add-on 1.20+

Social Media Add-on 1.20+

Social Media Add-on 1.20+
Hey, Minecraft enthusiasts! Check out this cool "Social Media" mod that adds a touch of digital fun to your blocky adventures. Now, you can encounter various social media golems, each with its unique sounds and trading capabilities.

Let's dive into the features:

1. the YouTube Golem, emitting hilarious sounds and ready to trade with players. Capture the essence of online video vibes right in your Minecraft world.

YouTube Golem

2. Get ready for a blast of funny sounds from the Instagram Golem. This golem not only entertains with its unique noises but also engages in trade activities, adding a social twist to your gameplay.

Instagram Golem

3. The Snapchat Golem brings its own set of amusing sounds to the mix. Witness its distinct charm and trade functionalities, making your Minecraft experience more vibrant and interactive.

Snapchat Golem

4. Enter the realm of gaming and communication with the Discord Golem. Experience a medley of funny sounds as you engage in trades, creating a lively atmosphere in your Minecraft world.

Discord Golem

These social media golems provide a fresh and entertaining dimension to your gameplay. The mod introduces a fun way to interact with these digital-inspired creatures, making your Minecraft world even more dynamic.

And here's a sneak peek with some screenshots to pique your interest.


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