MCPECUBE.COM » Mods Minecraft PE » True Miner Helmet Add-on 1.20+

True Miner Helmet Add-on 1.20+

True Miner Helmet Add-on 1.20+
Tired of navigating through dark caves with limited visibility? The True Miner Helmet mod is here to illuminate your path and make exploring underground a breeze.

Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly placing torches just to see where you're going. This addon introduces miner's helmets that provide reliable light sources, allowing you to delve into the depths with confidence.

What's more, this addon seamlessly integrates with any other addon you're using, ensuring compatibility and versatility.

True Miner Helmet

Key Features:

1. Golden Miner Helmet: Illuminate your surroundings with the warm glow of the Golden Miner Helmet, providing ample light to uncover hidden treasures and navigate treacherous caves.

2. Netherite Miner Helmet: Take your underground adventures to the next level with the Netherite Miner Helmet. Not only does it light your way, but it also offers immunity to fire, ensuring your safety in even the most hazardous environments.

3. Diamond Miner Helmet: Shine bright like a diamond with the Diamond Miner Helmet. Enjoy enhanced visibility and durability as you explore the depths of Minecraft's underworld.

4. Repairable Helmets: Keep your miner's helmet in top condition by repairing it whenever necessary. With the ability to mend the hull, you can rely on your trusty helmet to guide you through countless adventures without fail.

True Miner Helmet (2)
True Miner Helmet (3)

With this addon, darkness is no longer an obstacle to your exploration endeavors. Equip yourself with these illuminating helmets and embark on thrilling journeys into the depths of the earth, uncovering mysteries and riches along the way.


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