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Guitar Mod for Minecraft PE

Guitar Mod for Minecraft PE
Download the Guitar Mod for Minecraft for Android and go in search of a variety of unique musical instruments!!

Guitar Mods for Minecraft PE: Notes

Players with a guitar mod for Minecraft PE will have to learn a lot about musical instruments. In the original game, the only way to listen to your favorite music is to insert a record.

However, the number of tracks in this case will be very limited. But with a guitar mod for Minecraft PE, Steve will be able to independently create his favorite tracks and let his friends listen to them.

Guitar Mod (1)


A player with a guitar mod for Minecraft PE will need instruments to create his own musical group. Fortunately, there are a large number of them in the add-on. Starting from a banal accordion and ending with a harp.

Guitar Mod (2)

Each instrument is unique in its own way. However, for a rock band, Steve in the guitar mod for Minecraft PE will need a regular and bass guitar, drums and keyboards. In this case, he will be able to succeed.

Instruments sound different!


In order to create instruments, a player with a guitar mod for Minecraft PE will need different materials. For keyboards, redstone and iron are needed in most cases.

And to create string instruments, Steve will need wood and cobwebs. Depending on the materials used, the sound quality will improve or worsen. To ensure quality, the authors recommend making string instruments from oak.

It is the highest quality.

Guitar Mod (3)


Instruments are a full-fledged game unit for Minecraft PE. Players will be able to play them by clicking on certain areas of the screen. Accordingly, the quality of the created song will also depend on the player with a guitar mod. For covers of legendary tracks, the player will need great skills.

Over time, the player's skills will grow.


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