Friends, you can already install a test version of Minecraft PE for your device. In this release, we are waiting for the updated Warden behavior, 3 innovations, 22 bug fixes and 9 technical improvements. Some innovations related to Java version equality.
In this release, the developers have corrected the behavior of the mob.
• The mob has a new type of damage - Sonic attack:
⁃ Can act at a distance; ⁃ Causes the target to be knocked back.
• If the target is found, it does not sniff. • Other creatures can now push Warden away. • If he learns the target, he does not dig in. • During a collision with mobs, anger begins to appear. • During the battle with the Warden, when changing the mode, the game does not lag. • The correct experience points are dropped.
In total there are 4 innovations in this version. Among them:
1. Musical accompaniment for "Wild Update" appeared. 2. The developers have made the Ancient City the appropriate Java Edition. 3. You can feed the tadpoles with Slime. 4. A new item, Echo Shards, can now be found in Ancient City chests.
Corrected mistakes
22 bugs in the gameplay were found and fixed.
• Frog damage is accompanied by a new sound. • When the Froglight breaks, an updated sound plays. • The Allay interaction button now has a new look. • Wither and Ender Dragon will no longer harm reinforced Abyssal Shale. • Reinforced Abyssal Slate now has a new location in the Creative Inventory. • Tiles, stairs and walls made of clay bricks now have the correct grouping. • In the middle of the structure of the Ancient City, a Reinforced Deep Slate rectangle is generated. • The block of light became indestructible in water. • You can use mangrove roots and shoots in the composter. • The list of plants that can be placed on Dirt Blocks and Dirty Mangrove Roots has been updated. • Snow no longer interferes with the generation of mangrove roots. • Control via touch screens have become more optimized. • The textures for the Boats and Boats with Chest icons now look like they did in the Java Edition. • Fixed a bug due to which the Lantern of Souls was generated in the air of the structure of the Ancient City. • The material reducer in Education Edition now works without errors.
Technical changes
There are 9 technical changes in this section that will improve the development of modifications and testing.
Please note that this is a test version.
Always make copies of your worlds so you don't lose them.