Download new and first release in 2023 Minecraft Added Bamboo Block, Piglin Head and Heads on Note Blocks in experimental content, moved all changes for similar versions, and worked on fixing 74 bugs.
Experimental features
Introduced 3 functions. Appear only when Experimental settings are activated. Namely:
• If you put the Head of any creature on the Music Block and activate the device, the sounds of these mobs will be played. • If you kill a Charged Creeper, you can get a Piglin Head. • The piglin's head has animated ears. • A bamboo block is crafted from 9 common bamboos. • If bamboo is processed in Stonecutter, you can get a Hewn Block or 2 Bamboo Slabs.
Version similarity
40 updates have been made to synchronize Java and Bedrock. Everything was transferred from the test versions. Main:
• You can now get dragon mobs, two golems and a wither through spawn eggs. • The saddle is correctly thrown on tamed creatures and when dropped from the Dispenser. • Improved the spawning of mobs in the Nether. • Husks can pass through an opening 2 blocks high, and hatchlings are 1 block less. • Campfires do not break and destroy vehicles. • Improved the appearance of particles from the Lighthouse and Sea Explorer. • Reworked sounds from Pressure Plates and Wooden Buttons. • The colors of the blocks on the Map have become brighter.
Corrected mistakes
74 corrections were found and worked out. All of them were shown in beta versions. Below is the most important:
• Mobs correctly pass through the End Gate. • Fixed various crashes and crashes. • Fixed being able to see through blocks in the game. • Ender Gem prevents sleeping players from teleporting. • Levers now have sounds from Stone Buttons. • Fixed use of various Touch Control options.
Technical update
Added 57 new items in this section for gameplay optimization, as well as for testing and creating modifications.