The full version of Minecraft has become available with new experimental content. Added the functionality of Archeology and items, mobs, and a new plant. All corrections for bugs and changes made in the testing versions have been incorporated into this release.
All features and content have been moved from beta. Recall the main elements:
• Added a Brush to clean Suspicious Sand. • Artifacts that can be found will appear. • The shards are scattered all over the world, you need to collect 4 pieces to make a Clay Jar. • If you replace Shards with a brick in crafting, then there will be no patterns on the object. • If the player wants to destroy the Jar with his hand, then he will receive the same item, and if with a tool, then Shards. • Suspicious sand can be found in deserts near temples and wells. It may contain items, use the Brush to find them.
This creature won the vote at the Minecraft 2022 conference. A neutral mob that is an ancient dinosaur. It is still being finalized, but so far, we know the following facts:
• Not tamed. • Sniffs the area for ancient seeds. • For reproduction uses Torch Flower.
Torch flower
• A new type of plant from which a dye can be obtained. The player can grow it in their garden. As already mentioned, it is used to breed Sniffers.
Updated all features. Main:
• Correctly shown in the chat. • There is an updated menu where you can select the desired emotion. • Added the ability to use hotkeys for quick response. • At the time of character creation, 4 emotion options are automatically used.
Version similarity
All 10 changes were transferred from the test versions.
55 bugs were affected, which were taken and moved from the beta versions.
Technical updates
There are 83 points in this section that relate to the technical part of the game and will be useful for modders.