Immerse yourself in the realm of genuine terror with the Crucifix Vs Roblox Doorsaddon! This spine-tingling horror game will envelop you in an ineffable experience, compelling you to meticulously scrutinize every move you make.
A genuine living nightmare awaits, as you encounter horrifying entities capable of sending shivers down your spine. Your paramount objective is to reach the one-hundredth door, but brace yourself for the undeniable fact that this mission is anything but a walk in the park.
Here, you can acquaint yourself with the creatures featured in this add-on.
The entity known as Rush is among the initial encounters you'll have in the Hotel. His presence is easily detectable, as the lights will flicker whenever he makes his appearance.
In this game, have another creature akin to Rush, making its presence known as it advances through the flickering lights.
If the sight of eyes gives you the creeps, this particular character from DOORS is bound to be a source of considerable regret for you.
Screech is a creature that operates with impeccable timing, making its entrance in pitch-black darkness. You'll catch the faint whispering sound as an indicator. When you do hear it, your best bet is to swiftly pivot and make direct eye contact with Screech.
Timothy is a good-natured spider specially programmed to give jump scares. You may unexpectedly encounter him hidden in crates, although such an encounter will cost you five health points.
For solo adventurers, there's the possibility of encountering Glitch. Once considered a game bug, updated versions have transformed him into a formidable monster. A glimpse of Glitch will teleport you to entirely different rooms.
Dupe thrives on confusion, striking when you least expect it.
Among the characters, Figure presents a formidable challenge. He doesn't see, but he hears well. If you act carefully there is a chance that you will remain unharmed. You can meet this mob in the middle and at the end of your journey.