MCPECUBE.COM » Mods Minecraft PE » True Start Add-on 1.20+

True Start Add-on 1.20+

True Start Add-on 1.20+
In True Start addon, the gameplay is more deliberately paced and includes many more steps before crafting any tools or resources. Now the initial stages of the game will have innovations and some modifications, such as first making a tool and a bunch of other things and only then getting boards.

In fact, everything is very well thought out and adds some real action in the loot, which increases the interest in the game.


1. Create a tool to solve the problem. For this: collect some resources (gravel, flint) and create a fragment from which you can already create equipment.

2. Look for sticks and leaves. They can be on the floor, or you can get them by hitting them. And to cut the grass in order to obtain fibers in the future, you need to create a knife. Here you just need a piece of silicon. Combine it with a stick.

3. All of the above materials are needed for your most important tool - the Axe. It can already be used to obtain boards.

4. So, to create a board, you need to make a Stripped log from a wooden log and even use an ax. And from the boards you can create a variety of items, which you of course know about.

True Start (1)

True Start (2)

True Start (3)

True Start (4)


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