Download Coffee Mod for Minecraft for Android and get an invigorating drink in the game.
Coffee Mods for Minecraft
Coffee is a favorite drink of millions of people, which people drink and enjoy the taste, as well as energized by tonic properties. We have found the best mods for Minecraft PE, which will add coffee to the game with all its properties, as well as various add-ons to it.
M&L Coffee
This mod will add coffee for all its lovers of this hot drink. The mod for Minecraft adds a full-fledged mechanics of growing and making coffee. You will experience the entire stage of creating a coffee drink from plowing the land and planting seeds. After planting the seeds, collect them to dry them and grind them.
Ground coffee is prepared in a brewing stand, when you use it, you get regeneration and a speed effect.
Coffee, tea and hats
This mod adds the ability to brew delicious coffee and aromatic tea to Minecraft PE. The mod will add you a whole interesting system for creating hot drinks. You can make coffee and brew it in a beautiful cup. The modification also offers you to drink tea with goodies. There are also cool decorative hats that you can try on
Coffee lovers
The mod for coffee lovers for Minecraft was made by fans of this drink, for the same fans. Here you can get not only coffee, but also try out the whole process of its production. The peculiarity of the addon is that it gives coffee practical benefits, in addition to creating a drink. You can craft new unique blocks using only coffee. For example, blocks of coffee beans or ground coffee.
You can use coffee bushes as an excellent decorative item due to the beautiful texture.