The Demon Hunteraddon adds three types of demons and a boss to the game. You will have weapons to fight these entities. Cleanse the Minecraft world from this evil and feel like a real hunter.
Syringes are required to obtain. The blood of a villager is needed to create a ritual circle. Demon blood is needed to create a demonic mixture. To obtain the blood of a villager or a demon, you need to interact with them using a syringe.
Used to generate the Behemoth boss of this build.
What should be done?
1. First you need to create a base of nine blood syringes of villagers. 2. Find a demonic grimoire in the gorges. 3. Create a demonic mixture with three syringes of demon blood and demonic essence (dropped by a level one demon). 4. Then you need to put the base, place the grimoire there and interact with the mixture to generate the boss.
Description of demons
Demon Level 1
Generated in the Nether and The Overworld. Has the same health as the player. Deals 5 damage.
Second level demon
Generated in The Nether and The Overworld. Has 40 health units. Deals 8 damage.
Demon of the third level
Generated in the Nether. Has 70 health units. Deals 20 damage.
Generated after the ritual. Health 400 units. Deals 20 damage. Drop: Demonic blood sword.
Blessed Sword: Crafted with iron and a wooden cross. Wooden Cross: Crafted with sticks. Demon Catalyst: Crafted with a Level 2 Demon's Leash and Eye. A golden amulet and a golden cross can be obtained in the chests of the bastion. Demonic Blood Sword: Dropped by Behemoth. Durability - 5000 units and damage - 20 units.
Demon Hunter Armor:
Hat Jacket Pants
The crafting recipe includes red wool and iron nuggets.
Weapons and ammunition:
Bullets: Crafted with black wool, demonic ingot, and gunpowder. Iron Hunter Bullets: Crafted with two bullets. Hunter Shotgun Bullets: Crafted with 5 Iron Hunter Bullets. To reload weapons, you need to put them in a crafting table along with bullets.
Demonic Ore: Generates at level -64-20 in The Overworld, and at level 0-20 in the Nether. Demonic Bar: Crafted from Ore in a Furnace or Blast Furnace.