The Bobs Spell Bookaddon adds many new spells that you will need to collect. All these abilities will give you an advantage over other players and help you in your survival. According to legend, your friend Bob left these spells for you, but no one has seen him for a long time.
Water spell
• Deals 2 damage by attacking all creatures with water.
Special Buff
• Grants the ability to mine ore without using a pickaxe.
Fire spell
• Fireballs will attack the enemy, summoning and dealing 8 damage.
Special Buff
• Places a slow effect on opponents.
Ice spell
• The ice shard can explode and deal 9 damage or break blocks. Can be used for resource extraction.
Special Buff
• Places a slow effect on enemies.
Wind spell
• After use, a hurricane appears, which raises all creatures to the top.
Special Buff
• Teleports.
Lightning spell
• Summons powerful lightning.
Special Buff
• Produces an explosion that eliminates enemies. Convenient to use during battles.
Earth spell
• Attacks all boulders that deal 12 damage.
Cannot be used while surviving.
Spells can be upgraded to Advanced
To do this, create an improvement sphere.
Blood spell
• A very powerful spell that deals 9 damage to an enemy.
Special Buff
• Drains the health and strength of enemies.
Plasma spell
• Summons a laser that explodes on impact and deals 12 damage.
Special Buff
• Applies a nausea effect to the stomach.
Itris and Ultima spells
• An incredibly powerful spell that summons Ithris AND Ultima. Ithris chains you and destroys you, and Ultima summons a laser that explodes. Special Buff
• Summons experience and phantoms.
Bobs Ultimaium
• A sword that deals 200 damage.
Crafting recipes
For all spells, the Book of Bob is an important element.