Speedy's Overhaul Animation Texture PackExtend your Minecraft character animation with Speedy's Overhaul Animationtextures. Your movements will become smoother, don't worry the vanilla style will remain.This pack works in multiplayer mode and is available with raincoats.What animations does this build add?• Walking• Falling• Sitting position• Sheld• SleepingSpeedy's Overhaul Animation Texture Packspeedys_overhaul_animation.mcpackDownload free[19.66 Kb]Author: Edward ParksRelated News:Classic Minecraft Texture V3Surely there are fans of the original textures of the cubic universe among us, but sometimesReflective Vanilla ShadersDo you want to add even more naturalness to your pixelated world? Then install ReflectiveModified Vanilla Tools Texture PackModified Vanilla Tools is an add-on that styles and modernizes the textures of items, but doesEnhance Vanilla Texture (WIP)Enhance Vanilla Texture (WIP) is a texture pack that enhances and adjusts the graphics inComments (0) CommentingSend the comment