MCPECUBE.COM » Mods Minecraft PE » Page 57
Infinity Cobblestone Generator 1.15/1.14+
A very interesting and useful addon for those who like to mine in mines. The new addon adds an item to the game that will give the player an infinite number of cobblestones. How?
Insane United Worlds 1.14/1.13+
An interesting addon with which players can add a large number of bright and useful blocks, creatures, new biomes and much more. Please note that this add-on is still under development and
Dogs Addon 1.14/1.13+
You may have previously met pets like cats in the Minecraft world, but what about dogs? The new add-on that allows you to add to the game different types of dogs such as black, brown and
PUBG Helmets Add-on 1.14/1.13+
Do you know what PUBG is? If so, obviously you are either a fan of this game, or you just heard and understand what we're talking about. For those who don’t know, this is a very famous
Bow Auto-Aim Addon 1.14/1.13+
Surely many of the players cannot hit the target from the bow the first time, it is difficult to predict the trajectory of a moving target, be it a mob or another player, and in principle,
Cubes Of Magic Add-on 1.14/1.13+
A new add-on that adds 3 new types of creatures to the game that will be your new faithful companions. The new creature is called the Magic Cube.
Christmas Nightmare Addon 1.14/1.13+
A new add-on that will definitely be interesting to you as it relates to the Christmas theme. Tell me, have you been a good boy/girl this year? We think that you are on the list of Santa's
More Trader Addon 1.14/1.13+
A new add-on that changes the old and boring wandering trader to a new one, or rather to 6 new wandering traders! It happens that even when you find it, it disappears, it gets very angry,
SCP Vehicles Addon 1.14/1.13+
A new addon that adds 4 new types of vehicles to the Minecraft world, each of which can be an ideal addition to your military world, especially if you are building or already have your own
Player Mount! Addon 1.13/1.12+
Use the new addon that allows the player to ride on the shoulders of his friend, or rather on the shoulders of another player. Yes, it is possible with a new addon called Player Mount.