Allay Concept Add-on 1.17+

Allay Concept Add-on 1.17+

With the addon Allay Concept, a new creature will appear in Minecraft - Allay, which is able to transfer things from one place to another in Minecraft.
Dewalish Add-on 1.17+

Dewalish Add-on 1.17+

After installing the Dewalish add-on, neither the sea nor the land in Minecraft will be a safe place, since the player will be hunted by the Sea Devils.
The Red Panda Add-on 1.17+

The Red Panda Add-on 1.17+

I'm sure you've never seen such a cute addon. Meet Red Panda cute addon for Minecraft.
Black and Grizzly Bear Add-on 1.17+

Black and Grizzly Bear Add-on 1.17+

Did you miss the action and wildlife? Then meet the new addon Black and Grizzly Bear. There are two new types of bears in the game. They are dangerous and bloodthirsty.
LumGarden v1.3 Add-on 1.17+

LumGarden v1.3 Add-on 1.17+

With the new LumGarden addon, players can easily create their own garden and spend time there.
Diversity More Food Expansion Add-on 1.17+

Diversity More Food Expansion Add-on 1.17+

Even more variety of dishes and ingredients with an extended version of the Diversity addon. The assortment of new food is huge, including favorite nuggets and fries, scrambled eggs and
Doctor Who Stuff 1.6 Add-on 1.17+

Doctor Who Stuff 1.6 Add-on 1.17+

The Doctor Who Stuff add-on for Minecraft PE will add new mobs from the popular TV series "Doctor Who" to the game.
Squid Game Rampage Add-on 1.17+

Squid Game Rampage Add-on 1.17+

Minecraft continues to be in trend. A new addon Squid Game Rampage appears, which adds a robot doll killer, Red Guards and the Lone survivors.
Glare Concept Add-on 1.17+

Glare Concept Add-on 1.17+

Do you follow the YouTube channel of Mojang Studios, so then you are definitely aware of this cool news. Glare was nominated for the new Mob in Minecraft. There is a chance that he will
FenceJumper Addon V2 Add-on 1.17+

FenceJumper Addon V2 Add-on 1.17+

In this addition, a new addon appears, correspondingly new opportunities. Previously, you couldn't skip tracks in Minecraft. But now with the new FenceJumper add-on it is possible using